4.20 9th graders,
Enrollment for summer school/ credit recovery through Landmark High School is now open*. Any student who failed (F) any term of a required core class this year is eligible to sign up for credit recovery. There are 2 options to choose from: face to face classroom or Independent online with a lab. Here are the links to see more information on each.
independent study lab: http://landmark.nebo.edu/news/summer-independent-study-lab
face to face: http://landmark.nebo.edu/news/summer-school-registration-classroom-instruction
Please contact your counselor to discuss which option would be best for you and to get a referral for that program.
Last names A-R contact Courtney Droz at [email protected]
Last names S-Z contact Antonieta Yazzie at [email protected]
or call at 801-489-2880
* This is for credit recovery only. Enrollment for summer term of Utah Students Connect online classes for original credit will open in mid-May.
7.15 Counselors will be available beginning August 3rd by appointment only. If you are choosing remote learning, please contact your counselor to set up your choice of either zoom (virtual), in-person, or phone call appointment to enroll in Utah Students Connect classes.
7th grade A-R: [email protected]
8th grade A-R: [email protected]
9th grade A-R [email protected]
All Grades S-Z [email protected]
Online form will be available on August 3rd
Enrollment for summer school/ credit recovery through Landmark High School is now open*. Any student who failed (F) any term of a required core class this year is eligible to sign up for credit recovery. There are 2 options to choose from: face to face classroom or Independent online with a lab. Here are the links to see more information on each.
independent study lab: http://landmark.nebo.edu/news/summer-independent-study-lab
face to face: http://landmark.nebo.edu/news/summer-school-registration-classroom-instruction
Please contact your counselor to discuss which option would be best for you and to get a referral for that program.
Last names A-R contact Courtney Droz at [email protected]
Last names S-Z contact Antonieta Yazzie at [email protected]
or call at 801-489-2880
* This is for credit recovery only. Enrollment for summer term of Utah Students Connect online classes for original credit will open in mid-May.
7.15 Counselors will be available beginning August 3rd by appointment only. If you are choosing remote learning, please contact your counselor to set up your choice of either zoom (virtual), in-person, or phone call appointment to enroll in Utah Students Connect classes.
7th grade A-R: [email protected]
8th grade A-R: [email protected]
9th grade A-R [email protected]
All Grades S-Z [email protected]
Online form will be available on August 3rd
4.15 Students will not be coming back to school for this year per Governor Herbert.
4.1 Lunches are being served for students
Springville area free sites
Brookside Elementary, 750 E 400 S
Cherry Creek Elementary, 484 S 200 E
Meadow Brook Elementary, 748 S 950 W
Springville Junior High, 189 S 1470 E
Springville High School, 1205 E 900 S
2.25 Tomorrow we have a voice coach coming for our Windows to the Workplace
2.18 Windows to the Workplace presentations this week.
This week we have two awesome Windows to the Workplace presentations
Thursday during Quest time meet in Hatch's room S205 to learn about a career working for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources!
On Friday during Quest Time come meet in Ottley's room P108 to hear from Isaac Asiata who played for the Miami Dolphins in the NFL and is now in the Police Academy.
2.13 Parent Teacher Conference tonight from 3:30-7:00pm. MTECH will also be here.
2.4 We have a Windows to the Workplace this week on a career being a Firefighter & Paramedic. Friday, February 7th during QUEST TIME.
1.31 We want to thank the elementary schools for coming to visit this week!! Incoming 7th graders, make sure you get those registration forms filled out so the counselors can come pick them up next week.
1.30 Springville High Counselors are here at SJHS to register 9th graders for 10th grade.
Just a reminder about the ALC open house this week on January 28 & 29 from 5-7.
- Our 9th graders will be going to Springville High School on Wednesday 1/29 for an orientation. They will learn about extracurricular activities and organizations that they can participate in, and they will receive class registration information for 10th grade. The high school counselors will be in the World History classes on Thursday 1/30 (the very next day) to assist students in registering for their classes.
- 6th graders will be visiting SJHS on Tuesday 1/28 and Friday 1/31 to learn about junior high and to receive their class registration materials. 1.27
Just a reminder, the ALC will be holding an Open House this week: January 28th and 29th from 5-7pm.
If you need a new form click here
REGISTRATION - Parents are invited to come attend our presentation.
7 -> 8
Counselors will be going into the CCA classes to plan for college and career readiness and register all 7th graders for 8th grade.
Wednesday (K310) Mr. Rencher's class 1-4 period
Thursday (K311) Mrs. Bird's class 1-4 period
Friday (K307) Mr. Parker's class 1-4 period
Period 1 8:00 – 8:45
Period 2 8:50 – 9:35
Period 3 9:40 – 10:25
Period 4 11:00 – 11:45
8 -> 9
Mr. Shields: room S206
Mrs. Burge: room S210
Period 1 8:00 – 8:45
Period 2 8:50 – 9:35
Period 3 9:40 – 10:25
Period 4 11:00 – 11:45
Period 5 11:50-12:35 ( Mr. Shields)
Period 5 12:15 – 1:00 (Mrs. Burge)
Period 6 1:05 – 1:50
Period 7 1:55 – 2:40
If you are unable to attend the class period that your child has History, please feel free to sit in on any of these classes that are most convenient for you. If you are unable to attend Friday, your child will bring home all of the information and they will have time to discuss it with you before they turn it in to the counseling office on January 31st.
Interested in going to the ALC? They are having an open house on January 28th and 29th from 5pm-7pm. 161 E. 400 N. Salem, UT
1.7 News Letter
Parents and Guardians,
January will be a very busy month in the counseling department. We have some important things coming up that we want you to be aware of.
Nebo District is switching to a new student information system for next year. Because of this, all of our class registration needs to happen early this year. Here are some important dates for you to mark in your calendar:
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can do to provide support to your student here at school.
SJHS Counselors
Monica Distefano--7th Grade, Courtney Droz--8th Grade, Todd Jackson--9th Grade, Alexis Holley—last names T-Z, all grades
We have a Pilot and a Therapist coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace next Wednesday, the 8th.
We have a Toy Designer coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace this Thursday, the 19th.
We have a Dentist coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace this Friday, the 13th.
MTech and ALC Representatives will be at parent teacher conference this Thursday, the 21st, to answer any questions you may have about their programs.
"Two Weeks of Giving" 11.4
This week kicks off our “Two weeks of Giving” drive hosted by the HOPE Squad and Latinos in Action. Students can bring in donations of coats, canned food, or money. All the money will be used to buy warm coats for kids in need in our community. Students can find grade-level bins for all of the donations in the front office. It’s a great way to “Be an Ally” and help those in need! - Thank you to everyone who participated and donated! We are blown away by all of the donations that we have received!
Parents and Guardians,
Second term is off to a great start, and we just wanted to let you know what’s happening in the counseling department.
SJHS Counselors
Monica Distefano—7th Grade, Courtney Droz---8th Grade, Todd Jackson—9th Grade, Alexis Holley—all grades, last names T-Z
Monday, October 28:
- Each teacher will share about their college experience.
- “Where will you be going?” Students will sign college banners during lunch.
Tuesday, October 29:
-Utah Futures college and finiancial aid lesson with 9th grade.
- College video's and scholarships (during Quest Time)
Wednesday, October 30:
- Students will complete a sample college application (during Quest Time)
- Mascot match-up during lunch
Thursday, October 31:
- Presentation by MTech (during Quest Time) For more information: https://mtec.edu/
- Presentation by Springville High School counselors about how to earn college credit such as Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement during high school (during Quest Time)
Friday, November 1:
- Dress in favorite college apparel
- Presentation by the Advanced Learning Center counselor (during Quest Time) For more information: http://alc.nebo.edu/
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello! We just want to give you an update on things that are happening in the Counseling Office.
• We are in the midst of our 9th grade individual College and Career Readiness meetings. Mr. Jackson sent an email to parents of 9th graders with a link to sign up for an appointment. There are still plenty of open slots for October, so if you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, please refer to his email. Also, if a parent is unable to attend, please let us know so that we can go ahead and meet with your student. We’ll send them home with information to share with you!
• We are also meeting individually with our 7th grade students. It is sure fun getting to know them!
• Our school’s HOPE Squad for this year was recently formed. The HOPE Squad is a peer support team whose goals are to provide service and support to students and the community, and to prevent youth suicide and suicidal behaviors. They will meet throughout the year during Quest time to participate in training and to plan activities that provide service and promote a positive school culture.
• We have begun our Windows to the Workplace career presentations. These are short presentations held during Quest time to give students an opportunity to learn about various careers. If you would be interested in teaching students about your career, we’d love to have you come! Please send us an email at monica[email protected] OR [email protected]
• We recently taught a lesson in the 7th grade College and Career Awareness classes that focused on working with others (communication, collaboration, negotiation, teamwork, etc.) Next term we will teach a lesson relating to the language of college and careers in order to acquaint students with things such as types of colleges, types of degrees, earning college credit during high school, and so forth.
• The counseling office will be hosting our “College Week” during the last week of October. During that week, we will be in 9th grade classes having the students on www.utahfutures.org to learn more about how to choose a college, as well as ways to pay for it. Utah Futures is a fantastic resource for college and career planning! It would be worth your time to check it out with your student. We will send out more details about College Week as it gets closer.
• Finally, here is the link to our Middle Years newsletter for October: http://rfecustomer.com/Pubs/201910/812969_MY1019_E.pdf?ID=9370
This issue includes some good suggestions regarding effective expectations and how to help your student balance school with other activities and responsibilities.
We really enjoy working with your students. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better help or support them here at school.
SJHS Counseling Department
Monica Distefano (7th Grade) Courtney Droz (8th Grade) Todd Jackson (9th Grade) Alexis Holley (all grades, last names T-Z)
9.3 College and Career Awareness Meeting
Emails will be going out to sign up for 9th grade CCR meetings. We invite all parents to attend their students' individual meeting.
4.1 Lunches are being served for students
Springville area free sites
Brookside Elementary, 750 E 400 S
Cherry Creek Elementary, 484 S 200 E
Meadow Brook Elementary, 748 S 950 W
Springville Junior High, 189 S 1470 E
Springville High School, 1205 E 900 S
2.25 Tomorrow we have a voice coach coming for our Windows to the Workplace
2.18 Windows to the Workplace presentations this week.
This week we have two awesome Windows to the Workplace presentations
Thursday during Quest time meet in Hatch's room S205 to learn about a career working for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources!
On Friday during Quest Time come meet in Ottley's room P108 to hear from Isaac Asiata who played for the Miami Dolphins in the NFL and is now in the Police Academy.
2.13 Parent Teacher Conference tonight from 3:30-7:00pm. MTECH will also be here.
2.4 We have a Windows to the Workplace this week on a career being a Firefighter & Paramedic. Friday, February 7th during QUEST TIME.
1.31 We want to thank the elementary schools for coming to visit this week!! Incoming 7th graders, make sure you get those registration forms filled out so the counselors can come pick them up next week.
1.30 Springville High Counselors are here at SJHS to register 9th graders for 10th grade.
Just a reminder about the ALC open house this week on January 28 & 29 from 5-7.
- Our 9th graders will be going to Springville High School on Wednesday 1/29 for an orientation. They will learn about extracurricular activities and organizations that they can participate in, and they will receive class registration information for 10th grade. The high school counselors will be in the World History classes on Thursday 1/30 (the very next day) to assist students in registering for their classes.
- 6th graders will be visiting SJHS on Tuesday 1/28 and Friday 1/31 to learn about junior high and to receive their class registration materials. 1.27
Just a reminder, the ALC will be holding an Open House this week: January 28th and 29th from 5-7pm.
If you need a new form click here
REGISTRATION - Parents are invited to come attend our presentation.
7 -> 8
Counselors will be going into the CCA classes to plan for college and career readiness and register all 7th graders for 8th grade.
Wednesday (K310) Mr. Rencher's class 1-4 period
Thursday (K311) Mrs. Bird's class 1-4 period
Friday (K307) Mr. Parker's class 1-4 period
Period 1 8:00 – 8:45
Period 2 8:50 – 9:35
Period 3 9:40 – 10:25
Period 4 11:00 – 11:45
8 -> 9
Mr. Shields: room S206
Mrs. Burge: room S210
Period 1 8:00 – 8:45
Period 2 8:50 – 9:35
Period 3 9:40 – 10:25
Period 4 11:00 – 11:45
Period 5 11:50-12:35 ( Mr. Shields)
Period 5 12:15 – 1:00 (Mrs. Burge)
Period 6 1:05 – 1:50
Period 7 1:55 – 2:40
If you are unable to attend the class period that your child has History, please feel free to sit in on any of these classes that are most convenient for you. If you are unable to attend Friday, your child will bring home all of the information and they will have time to discuss it with you before they turn it in to the counseling office on January 31st.
Interested in going to the ALC? They are having an open house on January 28th and 29th from 5pm-7pm. 161 E. 400 N. Salem, UT
1.7 News Letter
Parents and Guardians,
January will be a very busy month in the counseling department. We have some important things coming up that we want you to be aware of.
Nebo District is switching to a new student information system for next year. Because of this, all of our class registration needs to happen early this year. Here are some important dates for you to mark in your calendar:
- Wednesday 1/22, Thursday 1/23, and Friday 1/24 counselors will be in the College and Career Awareness classes with 7th graders to discuss college and career readiness and class registration for 8th grade. Parents are invited to join your student for this presentation, or attend any period that is convenient for you. We will be in Mr. Rencher’s classes on 1/22, Mrs. Bird’s on 1/23, and Mr. Parker’s on 1/24. The CCA classes are 1st thru 4th period. Mrs. Distefano will send a reminder email at the beginning of that week with the bell schedule.
- Counselors will also be in the 8th grade U.S. History classes on both Thursday 1/23 and Friday 1/24. On 1/23, students will be learning about career pathways, and they will begin their 4-year plans. On 1/24, parents are invited to join your student as they learn about high school graduation requirements and begin the class registration process for 9th grade. Mrs. Droz will send an email reminder at the beginning of that week that will include a bell schedule.
- Our 9th graders will be going to Springville High School on Wednesday 1/29 for an orientation. They will learn about extracurricular activities and organizations that they can participate in, and they will receive class registration information for 10th grade. The high school counselors will be in the World History classes on Thursday 1/30 (the very next day) to assist students in registering for their classes.
- 6th graders will be visiting SJHS on Tuesday 1/28 and Friday 1/31 to learn about junior high and to receive their class registration materials.
- Next week we will be beginning our second semester. On Monday 1/13, all students will report to their current 1st period class, where teachers will pass out printed schedules. An announcement will be made to dismiss students to go to their new 1st period classes. Some students have changed their minds about what elective classes they would like to take. For those hoping to change their schedules, requests must be submitted on our Class Change Request Form. There is a $5.00 class change fee that needs to be paid to the Finance Office. Please know that we do our best to accommodate students’ requests, but many classes are completely full, making changes difficult or even impossible. The deadline to submit class change requests is Thursday 1/16 so that schedule changes can be wrapped up by 1/17.
- We’ve had some great career presentations as part of our Windows to the Workplace. We are always looking for presenters. If you would be interested in teaching students about your career, please email us at [email protected].
- Our January issue of the Middle Years newsletter has some tips about managing homework and appreciating differences. It can be accessed here: http://rfecustomer.com/Pubs/202001/812969_MY0120_E.pdf?ID=7914
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can do to provide support to your student here at school.
SJHS Counselors
Monica Distefano--7th Grade, Courtney Droz--8th Grade, Todd Jackson--9th Grade, Alexis Holley—last names T-Z, all grades
We have a Pilot and a Therapist coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace next Wednesday, the 8th.
We have a Toy Designer coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace this Thursday, the 19th.
We have a Dentist coming to present for our Windows to the Workplace this Friday, the 13th.
MTech and ALC Representatives will be at parent teacher conference this Thursday, the 21st, to answer any questions you may have about their programs.
"Two Weeks of Giving" 11.4
This week kicks off our “Two weeks of Giving” drive hosted by the HOPE Squad and Latinos in Action. Students can bring in donations of coats, canned food, or money. All the money will be used to buy warm coats for kids in need in our community. Students can find grade-level bins for all of the donations in the front office. It’s a great way to “Be an Ally” and help those in need! - Thank you to everyone who participated and donated! We are blown away by all of the donations that we have received!
Parents and Guardians,
Second term is off to a great start, and we just wanted to let you know what’s happening in the counseling department.
- Last week was our annual College Week. We went into 9th grade classes to teach about types of colleges and different ways to pay for education. Students were able to explore colleges on www.utahfutures.org. We had presentations during Quest time from Nebo’s Advanced Learning Center (ALC), Mountainland Technical College (Mtech), and from the high school counselors about how to earn college credit during high school. We had some fun activities during lunch, as well as trivia questions each day with college swag prizes for winners. We hope the activities provided some good information for your students!
- For parents who are interested in learning more about the ALC or MTech, we will have representatives from those programs set up at tables in the commons area at our next parent/teacher conference night (11/21).
- We are grateful that many parents of our 9th grade students have been able to come in for individual College and Career Readiness meetings. We are continuing to meet with the remainder of the 9th grade students, and will send them home with a lot of information. Hopefully, we’ll wrap that up by the end of the month!
- We will be teaching in the 7th grade College and Career Awareness classes next week. Our focus will be on introducing students to the language and processes related to post-secondary education.
- Today is the beginning of our “Two Weeks of Giving” drive. Our HOPE Squad has teamed up with Latinos In Action to help families in need. There is a competition between grade levels to see who can collect the most donations. We are collecting new or gently used coats to be distributed to students within Nebo district. We are also collecting food to be given to Tabitha’s Way, a charitable organization helping local families. Cash donations are also being accepted. We appreciate your support!
- We’ve had some great career presentations for our Windows to the Workplace. We’d like students to have as many opportunities as possible to learn about different careers. If you would be interested in teaching about your career, please email us at [email protected].
- Here is our Middle Years newsletter for November, which touches on the shifting relationship with your tween, reading for pleasure, and making the most out of parent/teacher conferences. http://rfecustomer.com/Pubs/201911/812969_MY1119_E.pdf?ID=8644
SJHS Counselors
Monica Distefano—7th Grade, Courtney Droz---8th Grade, Todd Jackson—9th Grade, Alexis Holley—all grades, last names T-Z
Monday, October 28:
- Each teacher will share about their college experience.
- “Where will you be going?” Students will sign college banners during lunch.
Tuesday, October 29:
-Utah Futures college and finiancial aid lesson with 9th grade.
- College video's and scholarships (during Quest Time)
Wednesday, October 30:
- Students will complete a sample college application (during Quest Time)
- Mascot match-up during lunch
Thursday, October 31:
- Presentation by MTech (during Quest Time) For more information: https://mtec.edu/
- Presentation by Springville High School counselors about how to earn college credit such as Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement during high school (during Quest Time)
Friday, November 1:
- Dress in favorite college apparel
- Presentation by the Advanced Learning Center counselor (during Quest Time) For more information: http://alc.nebo.edu/
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Hello! We just want to give you an update on things that are happening in the Counseling Office.
• We are in the midst of our 9th grade individual College and Career Readiness meetings. Mr. Jackson sent an email to parents of 9th graders with a link to sign up for an appointment. There are still plenty of open slots for October, so if you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, please refer to his email. Also, if a parent is unable to attend, please let us know so that we can go ahead and meet with your student. We’ll send them home with information to share with you!
• We are also meeting individually with our 7th grade students. It is sure fun getting to know them!
• Our school’s HOPE Squad for this year was recently formed. The HOPE Squad is a peer support team whose goals are to provide service and support to students and the community, and to prevent youth suicide and suicidal behaviors. They will meet throughout the year during Quest time to participate in training and to plan activities that provide service and promote a positive school culture.
• We have begun our Windows to the Workplace career presentations. These are short presentations held during Quest time to give students an opportunity to learn about various careers. If you would be interested in teaching students about your career, we’d love to have you come! Please send us an email at monica[email protected] OR [email protected]
• We recently taught a lesson in the 7th grade College and Career Awareness classes that focused on working with others (communication, collaboration, negotiation, teamwork, etc.) Next term we will teach a lesson relating to the language of college and careers in order to acquaint students with things such as types of colleges, types of degrees, earning college credit during high school, and so forth.
• The counseling office will be hosting our “College Week” during the last week of October. During that week, we will be in 9th grade classes having the students on www.utahfutures.org to learn more about how to choose a college, as well as ways to pay for it. Utah Futures is a fantastic resource for college and career planning! It would be worth your time to check it out with your student. We will send out more details about College Week as it gets closer.
• Finally, here is the link to our Middle Years newsletter for October: http://rfecustomer.com/Pubs/201910/812969_MY1019_E.pdf?ID=9370
This issue includes some good suggestions regarding effective expectations and how to help your student balance school with other activities and responsibilities.
We really enjoy working with your students. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to better help or support them here at school.
SJHS Counseling Department
Monica Distefano (7th Grade) Courtney Droz (8th Grade) Todd Jackson (9th Grade) Alexis Holley (all grades, last names T-Z)
9.3 College and Career Awareness Meeting
Emails will be going out to sign up for 9th grade CCR meetings. We invite all parents to attend their students' individual meeting.